
2023-06-08 16:16:44 来源:初三网






1. When did the boy get to Tom"s home?

2. How does the man get to the library?

3. What"s wrong with the boy?

4. How far is it from the boy"s home to his school?

A. 100 kilometers. B. 100 meters. C. 200 meters.

5. What is the relationship between the speakers?

A. Brother and sister. B. Father and daughter. C. Mother and son.

6. Where are the speakers most probably?

A. In a restaurant. B. In a hospital C. In a school.

7. How long does the film last?

A. For 1.5 hours. B. For 2 hours. C. For 2.5 hours.

8. Why will Mary’s mother go to Canada?

A. To take a vacation. B. To have a training course.

C. To look after Mary’s grandparents.



9. How was Tina"s Chinese before she came to Beijing?

A. She didn"t know a word. B. She can sing Chinese songs.

C. She can write a short passage.

10. What did Tina like doing best in her school?

A. Writing exercises. B. Playing games. C. Watching TV.

11. What did Tina think of her English teachers class?

A. Friendly. B. Interesting. C. Great.


12. Who went to the sports center with Bob?

A. His father. B. His mother. C. His brother.

13. What sport cant people do at the sports center now?

A. Table tennis. B. Volleyball. C. Swimming.

14. How much should you pay for a year ticket if you are 16?

A. $40. B. $50. C. $60.

15. Why will they go to the sports center next Friday?

A. The tickets will be cheaper,

B. They can stay there longer.

C. They won’t have any classes




16. To learn the way to produce electricity, you can take the adventure .

A. Mr Wind B. Flying Paper C. The Big Sun D. Amazing Water

17. If you want to take part in the activity, you need to .

A. call your headteacher B. fill out a form and hand it in

C. check the official website D. ask parents to book on the phone

18. Family Science Night mainly helps students .

A. join in real-world activities B. learn science in an exciting way

C. develop communication skills D. have a close relationship with families


You order the food on the mobile phone, but it asks for your phone number. You ride in a taxi, and you ride in a addresses will be known. Information collection is everywhere.

However, the personal information collected by companies can be leaked(泄露) for marketing. According to a survey of 5,458 people, 85.2% of people said they had experienced personal information leaks on their smartphones. Most said they got unwanted calls or text messages after—wards.

To deal with such problems, on No.1, the Personal Information Protection Law came out in China. It is the first law on personal information protection.

The law says personal information is any kind of information about people who have been or can be recognized. So a person"s name, date of birth, ID number, address and phone number are all personal information.

There are also some kinds of personal information that are regarded as “sensitive”(敏感的): fingerprints, faces, medical health and financial accounts(金融账户).

According to the law, collecting, using, storing and trading personal information will be strictly managed. One key rule is that those handling personal information should let users know and get their agreement. The rules are even stricter for sensitive information.

19. What’s the main idea of Paragraph 2?

A. Information collection is necessary. B. Personal information leaks are serious.

C. People send too many messages every day. D. The Internet plays an important role in our life.

20. According to the text, which of the following is sensitive information?

A. A person"s name. B. Date of birth. C. Phone number. D. Medical health.

21. What can we know about the Personal Information Protection Law?

A. It came out on October l st in China.

B. It says no one can collect personal information.

C. It introduces what personal information is.

D. It helps us deal with health problems.

22. What will the text talk about next?

A. The problems that the law brings.

B. Different opinions about the new law.

C. Examples about the rules for sensitive information.

D. Kinds of ways to protect our personal information.


Narrator: There once was a beautiful princess whose favorite amusement was a golden ball One day, the princess tossed the ball too high, and it landed in the well. As the princess cried over her lost treasure, she heard someone ask a question.

Frog: Why are you so sad, beautiful princess?

Narrator: The princess looked around and saw only a frog.

Princess: My favorite golden ball fell into the well.

Frog: I can retrieve it for you, but first, you must agree to one condition. You must promise to take me home and be my friend.

Narrator: The princess didn"t want to be friends with a frog, but she promised anyway. When the frog brought her the ball, the princess snatched it from him and hurried home!

Frog: What a selfish princess. I’m certain that she has forgotten her promise. I’ll just hop over to the castle to remind her.

Narrator: The frog hop-hop-hopped through the grass and knocked on the heavy door of the castle.

Princess: What are you doing here, you bumbling frog?

Frog: Dear princess, I am here to remind you of the promise you made.

Narrator: The princess slammed the door in the frogs face with a big BANG.

King: I heard a door slam. What’s happening? If you made a promise, you must honor it.

Narrator: The princess was angry but obeyed her father. So, the king, the princess, and the frog enjoyed dinner together. It was mutton stew, the cooks specialty.

Frog: I was hungry, but now I’m full. Thank you for dinner. Kindly show me to my bed now.

Narrator: The princess did as she was asked, but the frog looked sad!

Frog: You have welcomed me into your home, but I can tell that you don’t want to be my friend.

Narrator: The princess"s face went red, for what t the frog said was true. She bent down to kiss the frog, but ended up kissing a prince.

Frog: I am a prince who was turned into a frog, and your kiss turned me back. Thank you, dear friend!

Narrator: The prince and princess were wonderful friends from that day on and lived happily ever after.

23. The reading material above is .

A. a poem B. a play C. an interview D. a questionnaire

24. What’s the meaning of the underlined word “retrieve”?

A. bring back B. take away C. break down D. put away

25. What is the right order of what the princess did in the story?

①She went back to the castle.

②She bent down to kiss the frog.

③She got help from the frog and made a promise.

④She obeyed her father an date the meal with the guest.

A.②④③① B.③①④② C.③④①② D.④③②①

26. What can we learn from the story?

A. It is often difficult to keep a friendship.

B. We shouldn’t be afraid of making friends.

C. Once you make a promise, you must keep it.

D. We should ask for help when we are in trouble.


What will astronauts(宇航员) eat when a space trip takes years?

“Lots of fresh vegetables,” says Dr. Janet Williams, whose team have spent the last 10 years learning how to grow plants in a space station, And it’s a good thing that she has already started her work, because space gardening can be really hard.

As usual, astronaut George White looked into the closed plant room. He had planted Dr. Williams" quick-growing seedlings in it, but none of the stems were showing. He opened the room to check and found the problem. The stems weren"t growing upward and the roots weren’t growing downward. On Earth, gravity(重力) helps a plants stems and roots to find “up” and “down”. However, in the space station, there was almost no gravity.

Dr. Williams suggested a solution: give the plants more gliht, as plants also use sunlight to find their way. And it worked. When the plants had more light, the stems turned up and the roots went down.

Now Dr. Williams was free to worry about the next problem: Would her baby plants live to flower? Can we grow food on a space journey?

Many plants died in the space station. Dr. Williams thoughts he knew why: the space plants were hungry for air. Plants live by taking up CO2 from the air. Since a plant uses it up in the air around, the plant needs moving air to bring more CO2 close to its surface! On Earth, the air is always moving. Gravity pulls down cold air, and warm air rises. And with these air movements, plants get enough CO2.

Many earlier experiments with plants in space had used closed, rooms. Dr. Williams tried a new greenhouse that had a fan to keep the air move. The plants loved it. They flowered and even produced more seeds. Using Dr. Williams" method, astronaut George completed the first seed-to-seed experiment in space, and moved one plant closer to a garden in space.

“And this,” says Dr. Williams, “is good news for long—term space travel.”

27. Why have Dr. Williams" team tried to grow plants in space?

A. To produce fresh air for astronauts.

B. To help astronauts relax themselves.

C. To provide food for long space journeys.

D. To make the space garden more beautiful.

28. How did light help solve the problem mentioned in Paragraph 4?

A. It caused the gravity to change.

B. It encouraged the plants to grow faster.

C. It helped the plants to grow in the right direction.

D. It showed the astronauts where to plant vegetables.

29. Why did many plants die in the space station?

A. The light was too strong. B. There was too much CO2

C. There was not enough room to grow. D. The air condition was not good enough.

30. The underlined word “it”, in Paragraph 7 refers to .

A. the moving air. B. the closed room

C. the space journey D. the space garden






1. Teachers’ Day is held on S 10 the very year to celebrate all teachers around our country.

2. It’s important for everybody to develop a good eating h .

3. My uncle"s son or daughter is my c .

4. I think all of us can a our dreams in the end if we try our best.

5.Your (声音) is beautiful. I like to listen to your singing.

6.We still need to learn the spirit of Lei Feng, although he has been (死) for many years.

7. I"ve always wanted to go on a wonderful holiday. But I can"t (付得起)it.

8. Students should (发音) properly while learning foreign languages.




Reading books brings many benefits, such as giving people the opportunity to get more knowledge, meeting new people and helping us understand the world.

In 1922 Spanish writer called Vicente Andres 1 (come) up with the idea as a way to honor another famous Spanish writer Cervantes. Several years later the first celebration took place 2 April 23rd, the date of Cervantes’ death, in 1930.

In 1995, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) decided to pay homage(敬意) to authors and books world―wide by choosing April 23rd as the date of World Book Day. And it also happens 3 (be) the date when William Shakespeare and Inca Vega died.

One city around the world 4 (choose) as the UNESCO World Book Capital each year. The city which is chosen each year will be tasked with carrying out 5 (activity) to encourage people to read.


The Zibo Barbecue suddenly became well— known after a group of college students shot videos of themselves enjoying a meal and posted 6 (they) on social media in late February.

It is reported that visitors 7 (go) to 10 scenic spots in the city to try Zibo barbecue with their train ticket as long as their final place is Zibo. And it 8 unexpectedly 8 (become) famous on Chinese social media since then.

Visitors from other provinces are common there these days. “I am so happy to have a chance to try Zibo barbecue and enjoy its beautiful scenery, 9 it took me so long to arrive here”, said Li Leirui from Hebei province.

Zibo barbecue is bringing more and more people to the city, and the government encourage the local people to treat tourists in a 10 (friendly) way than ever.


90s 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词填空,每空一词。方框中有两个词为多余选项。

The Internet has become not only a necessary part of life but also a virtual(虚拟的) world for people. Not only do people use it for business and work, but it has 1 become a popular medium for social networking. With the? development of the Internet, an Internet friendship has become very popular. Online friends are those people? who have 2 each other through the Internet. Making Internet friends is the same as making pen friends? Many famous websites offer honest Internet friendship. People can find many people on these websites and they share the same 3 .It is difficult to make new friends with someone you can"t see. That is the main 4 of an Internet friendship. An Internet friendship may not last forever 5 seeing each other, but it is helpful for some people because they are afraid to meet in public.

On the other hand, the chances of cheating(欺骗) are very 6 in an Internet friendship. Some people make friends on the Internet with wrong aims. So while making friends over the Internet, one has to be very careful. Don"t? give personal information, such as your telephone number, address, school name as well as your parents" information to? strangers on the Internet. Do not agree to meet a person you have just met over the Internet. You"d better ask? parents or other adults for advice and meet in public 7 you want to go to meet an Internet friend.



It is not unusual to hear that the “post—00s”generation(一代) spend too much money and time on online gaming or offer live streamer(直播主播) much money. But a report from China Youth Daily has found another side of them.

“Although they are influenced by popular culture, the ‘post—00s’ treat buying more like researching,” reported China Youth Daily.

Wang Yihan, 16, from Fuzhou, Fujian Province, is typically such a person. She decided to buy a Casio watch, but she didn’t pay for the most popular type. Instead, she researched all of the watches available. “I looked up information on different Casio watches online and I compared them. I also did research on their makers,” said Wang. For Wang, researching things is as enjoyable as buying them.

Rationality(理性) is also important to them, the report pointed out.

Sun Xiaoxue, 12 from Huairen, Shanxi Province, likes making her own journals. “I found many stickers that I bought when I was a child. Since most of them were old and out of style, I cut and put them together to make them my own. The stickers make my journals more special,” said Sun. “I feel so good to ‘turn waste into treasure’ and it helps me to spend less money.

For Liu Yu, 12 from Yantai, Shandong Province, her buying doesn"t directly show her interests. Although she is a lover of hanfu, she hardly spends money on them. “Instead of buying them, I learn more about the culture and history behind the costumes when comparing different kinds of them,” said Liu.

1. Did Wang Yihan choose the most popular Casio watch? (no more than 3 words)

2. What does Wang Yihan think of researching things? (no more than 10 words)

3. How does Liu Yu show her love for hanfu? (no more than 10 words)





Waiting in the snow to meet master Cheng respectfully

要求: 1.文章需包括所有图画的内容,可以适当发挥,使全文连贯:



Dear Tom,

I’m very happy that you are interested in traditional Chinese stories. Well, let me tell you a famous one with the name “Waiting in the snow to meet master Cheng respectfully”.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Li Hua


第Ⅰ卷 (选择题 共45分)


1-5 CCBBA 6-10 AABAC 11-15 BACAB

16~20ABBBD 21-25CCBAB 26~30 CCCDA

第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题 共55分)



1.website 2.5/Five 3.cheap 4.scores 5.improve



1. September;2. habit; 3.cousin; 4. achieve

5. voice; 6. dead; 7. afford; 8. pronounce;

五、语法填空(共10 小题,计10分)


1.came 2.on 3.to be 4. is chosen 5.activities

6.them 7.can go 8. has become 9.although/though 10.friendlier/more friendly


(一)答案: 1.also 2. known 3.interests 4.problem 5. without 6. high 7. if



1. No./No , she didnʼt.

2. She thinks researching things is as enjoyable as buying them.

3. Liu Yu/She learns more about the culture and history behind.

4. 虽然她是汉服爱好者,但她很少在汉服上花钱。

5. Rationality--another side of the“post-00s” generation. /Another side of the“post-00s” generation.


One possible version:

Waiting in the snow to meet master Cheng respectfully

Dear Tom,

I"m very happy that you are interested in traditional Chinese stories. Well, let me tell you a famous one with the name "Waiting in the snow to meet master Cheng respectfully”

Long long ago, there was a man called Yangshi . Once he went to visit his teacher Chengyi with his friend. Unluckily, Mr. Cheng was sleeping in the room. He didn"t wake up the teacher . So he stood in front of the gate. At that moment, there were snow flakes flying over his head and it was very cold but Yangshi still stood in the snow until Mr. Cheng woke up. When the teacher woke up, the snow was very deep. Yangshi was like a snowman standing at the gate. Finally, the teacher was moved deeply.

After reading the story, I think we should respect our teacher, and we are supposed to study hard.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Li Hua

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